Is Hosting On A Dedicated Server A Great Move?

Very first, you must be aware of what is really dedicated server. The dedicated server is a computer system, known as a server or perhaps a web hosting service for the entire Internet at work, and never used for other purposes. You can purchase the server, or even rent it from someone in the short-dedicated web hosting.

If you choose a dedicated server web hosting, then there is something that you consider whether you should look for a much better performance of the network is a dedicated server for one person. Dedicated Server gives you more control over their own hosts, as opposed to a shared server. A shared server can dine on the data transfer and reduces the rate of the website, so this type of hosting should be looking for a person to more quickly at a performance of the website.

Shared servers can be a bit cheaper than a dedicated server, but does not give independence to local servers. If you are looking to cut costs, then it could be a solution for that, you can create a server for web-hosting business dedicated server rental. These people focus on the leasing of machines of this kind of distance, as well as suppliers to the aftermarket at a reasonable price. Thus, in the media would be free of the effort to reduce any attempt by the national infrastructure spending, etc., as well as the costs while doing so. But at the same time, when looking at buying a property for your business, then the sale would feel much better because it is a one-time expenditures.

A few negative points, which is to come up with this reality, you would have to hire technical experts to the dedicated server, which could be expensive to maintain. In the absence of internal experts, you may need to hire a consultant leads back into the cost. If an amount is specified in the contract, provided by a package of products, so it does not have to rack your brain, you may do more than you. The troops in offering web-hosting companies that you take these things personally involved.

Whether you want to rent or purchase dedicated servers Dedicated server of your employees, it is preferable that a shared server at any time during the day that their bandwidth and speed of your website is much better. All you have chosen, is whether the purchase of own or rent one. If you decide what should be easier to install, as well as expert advice.


The Advantages Of A Virtual Dedicated Server

A virtual dedicated server is very popular today. There are many women entrepreneurs expand their own customer base and want to reach more potential customers. This is obviously the best option for an income in an online server to get dedicated hosting website. This is perhaps dedicated servers, and probably the best, but that usually costs a good deal.

Again, there are several pages dedicated server hosting. However, shared servers are not particularly large, because websites can be a lot of time because of the large number by a load of less visited once. Therefore, small companies often want for something that is "a greater association with the two worlds is satisfied - Virtual Dedicated Server.

The digital home of Windows Server devotes a small business can benefit from the "virtual" property of the host. In other words, the actual host storage region for multiple users distributed and thus the net result will almost be the same as with a dedicated server side. This is because the owner of the virtual dedicated server, the entire administration of the army and the ability to the real servers in any way he or she may want to configure. Furthermore, this kind of Windows or Linux Dedicated Server (based on the operating system in use) also have other functions such as authorization of the owner of the dog to as many websites as they want without being anxious to destroy them with associated.

Other benefits include dial the access to various services and the ability, one of the services of choice, not based on the requirements. Who is the owner of a virtual dedicated server can also cause coughing and other security measures like firewalls use. In addition, the VDS, the person or a company run multiple operating systems like Windows or the system, including Linux.

Find web hosting on virtual servers and dedicated Aussie. Anyone who lives in Australia and I really want to go on a shared server, but not enough money to choose to buy a dedicated server also, and these pages. These types of jobs for the selection of the operating system and user interface and a management host. The real interest rate is actually in dedicated servers. Characteristics are associated with a bandwidth of 20 to 500 gigabytes, the choice of the 32-bit or 64 of 256 megabytes of RAM and SO to 32 gigabytes.

Learn more about dedicated server and what the best dedicated hosting provider in Australia provides by visiting


SQL Server 2005 Database Restore

Want to backup or restore databases but do not know how?
Maybe this can help you to backup or restore database using and sql server 2005. 

The first add a reference Database Management Objects (DMO) Library to use the classes that will be used to our project, right click on the project, "Add Reference", click the tab "COM", locate the component whose name is "Microsoft SQL DMO Object Library", then click ok.

The following script will run in the form :

Dim _SQLServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServer
Dim WithEvents _Backup As New SQLDMO.Backup
Dim WithEvents _Restore As New SQLDMO.Restore
Dim _INSTANCE As String = "YourMSSQLInstanceName/ServerName"
Dim _USER As String = "YourMSSQLUserLogin"
Dim _PWD As String = "YourLoginPassword"
Dim _BACKUPFILE As String = "c:\MyBackup.bkp"
Dim _DATABASE As String = "YourDbName"

create procedures for backup and restore :

backup procedure:
Private Sub BackupDB()
With _Backup
.Database = _DATABASE
.BackupSetName = "MyDbBackupNameSet"
.BackupSetDescription = "Backup from VB.NET application"
_SQLServer.Connect(_INSTANCE, _USER, _PWD)
End With
MessageBox.Show("Backup berhasil dibuat", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub

restore procedure:
Private Sub RestoreDB()
With oRestore
.Database = _DATABASE
.ReplaceDatabase = True
_SQLServer.Connect(_INSTANCE, _USER, _PWD)
End With
MessageBox.Show("Restore Successfull", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub

To perform backup / restore, we only live call the procedure above.
The example above is only the basis of how we can do backup / restore DB.
We can add "SaveFileDialog" for backups and "OpenFileDialog" to restore order to determine the location and the backup filename.

Good Luck!


Server Cluster

Clustering is the ability of Windows Server 2003 to create a server-based application that is scalable and reliable by regulating the balance of client data traffic across multiple servers and provide a backup server when another server is damaged

Technology of Clustering 
In windows server 2003 there are two kinds of clulsters technology, Server Cluster and Network Load Balancing Clusters. the difference lies in the type of application you run, and the characteristics of the data used.

  1. Server Cluster
    Server clusters are designed for the long-running applications on the memory state or the application for which data are large and frequently changing, commonly known as statefull applications and contains a database server such as Microsoft SQL, Exchange servers, file servers and printers. All nodes in this cluster are connected by a set of data shared SCSI bus or SAN - storage area network. all nodes have access to the same application data, and each node can process the client request at any time. You can configure each node of the cluster is to be passive or active. Active nodes that can receive and process requests from clients, while the passive node is idle and serves as a "fallback" if the active node fails.
    This is exemplified in the following figure there are two servers that form a cluster in which both are running Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft SQL server, each server connected to the same NAS device that contains the database. Both servers also have a special connection that is used to detect heart rate respectively in case of malfunction.

    Server A serves as an active node while server B serves as a passive node. Server A is functioning normally all the time, running a database application, receiving requests from the clients database, and accessing the database files on NAS devices. However, but suddenly server A for some reason fails to function, then the server B as the passive node detects a failure of the active server function and immediately became an Active node replaces the function of the server A, processes the request clients use the same database on the NAS.

    • Just like NLB, server cluster also has a separate name and IP address with the IP address of each node. When the active node fails, no change in perceived function on clients, because the system handled directly by the passive node or if the X-Node Clustering passive node is a node survival.
    • Server clusters can only run on a system windows server 2003 Enterprise and Datacenter editions only, for Windows 2003 Standard edition can only run NLB. Each node may not use a different windows 2003 edition, must be uniform, Enterprise or Datacenter editions only.
    • The maximum can be up to 8 nodes that could serve each failover and failback. Failback is not configured by default, so it must be configured manually or automatically. Most practitioners do manual configuration for failback to be able to evaluate the function of the node failure.
    • Requires special hardware disk drives eg Fibre Channel, Shared SCSI or SAN. Fibre Channel is a high-speed serial network technology up to 100 Mbytes per second using full-duplex communication. While SCSI uses parallel signal technology.
    • Used in SQL Server, MS Exchange, File and Print servers etc..

    X-Node Clustering
    Significant development in the system cluster in windows server 2003 is the number of nodes that can be up to 8 nodes for failover and failback. X node clustering gives us the option to create a minimum of 2 nodes with a maximum up to 8 node failover / failback.

  2. Network Load Balancing (NLB) Cluster

    Network Load Balancing in Windows 2003 is a type of clustering is more easily installed, configured, and maintain. You can use existing hardware and applications on your computer and no longer need additional software to install. You can use the application in windows 2003 it is "Network load balancing manager" to make, manage, and monitoring the NLB cluster. NLB's run more applications stateles memory, usually in the form of data that are not frequently changed.

    • Supported by all platforms of Windows Server 2003 Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter.
    • Can use up to 32 server nodes of load balancing, where each other has a duplicate copy of the application that you want to give to the clients.
    • Full load balancing for TCP and UDP traffic
    • Can be used for various types of servers such as WEB, ISA, VPN, Media Server, and Terminal Server


SQL Server In Suspect Database Status

Suspect database status is often the case in SQL Server 2005/2000, this is because a lot of things, one of them because of power outages. There are several ways to restore the database with the status of suspect, one of them as below:

  1. In Enterprise Manager SQL Server 2000 / 2xxx, create a database with the same name as the database is corrupted
  2. Point the database file and log the new database according to the location of the damaged database file.
  3. Stop the SQL Server service.
  4. Replace or copy the database file (. mdf and. ldf) which supect to the directory or folder newly created database file.
  5. Run the following scripts in Query Analyzer :
    use master
    sp_configure ‘allow updates’, 1
    select status from sysdatabases where name = ‘nama database’
    update sysdatabases set status= 32768 where name = ‘nama database’
  6. Create a bin database, for example: db_generate (you can make it with whatever name you want)
  7. Right click on the first database, then select All Task, and then select Export. Then navigate the destination dabatase to the bin database created earlier.
  8. Click on the process to completion. Congratulations, you got back data from damaged database in the bin database that you created.
  9. Run the script below in Query Analyzer :
    use master
    sp_configure ‘allow updates’,

SQLServerRecoveryToolboxSetup : This is software for recovery sql server, I've never tried. but if you need it please click to download.

Tips: Backup first your database files that will be used in repair


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Hi, I’m Yani and my Syszoom blog is to share everything about the latest information around the technology field. I started Syszoom blog in 2011 to help other people solve their problem about computer, software, etc. I spent over five years as a teacher, and Syszoom blog is implementation of my knowledge in information technology field. To contact me, please email me at
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