His knowledge that the user, as it is based on the Network Applications.
Often, to provide essential services to network-based applications to users. These services are available in the network are among the most important elements to ensure the demand of the customers and the users are satisfied.
The collection of statistical data from routers, switches, servers and other network devices, you can decide whether a device is operating in accordance with the manufacturer. Are on the other hand, for the procedures are not sufficient to regulate success.
The success is based on, what are the customers, contractors and vendors, network performance is based. From the perspective of end users, application performance depends on the availability and responsiveness.
Application performance must combine customer satisfaction with the standard network parameters such as network performance, or the sum of positive transactions. Application for classification allows the network designer to combine business goals and technical specifications in the design of the network. The classification includes the practical work of network applications: 1 Behavior of applications in network 2 technical requirements of the application, 3 how applications work together on the network.
According to information gathered through the initial phases of the design process, the architect decides which applications are important for the company. The architect to assess how these applications work with the proposed network.
The classification process provides data on the use of bandwidth and response time for certain applications. These factors can really design decisions, such as the selection of the transmission medium or assessments required bandwidth.
Traffic from different applications produce different demands on the network. The network architect identifies four basic types of communication of the application: 1 From customer to customer, 2 Client-server distributed third Client to the server in the farm, 4 Client-to-edge companies. Day, is the first step in applications classification of data both from the network to collect as possible. This data collection contains first Entry into the organization, 2 Verification Network 3 Traffic analysis.
The organization of the input stream contains data about the network and verbal information for network administrators. An examination of the network collects data about network devices, monitors traffic, and shows the details of the current system design. Traffic analysis provides information about the protocols and applications use the network. It can be exposed to errors in the network design. For example, many high-bandwidth applications over the same link generate large amounts of traffic. This represents a potential bottleneck in the design of his.
I hope you flush the foundations of the impact of the application in network design!