What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing

Not much talk in the media about cloud computing. If you do not know what it is, you should! In fact, in most cases are already using some cloud-based applications.

Have you ever heard of Gmail? Webex? Microsoft Windows Live? YouTube? eBay? Of course you have. Here are some sites to get the idea. Cloud computing is the use of resources that exist in any other computing platform for running applications. This means that you worry less (if you trust the host) on the amount of processing power, memory and storage you have.

What is the advantage of cloud computing?

Advantages to use multiple applications to exist in the cloud, including:

Access Anywhere Access your applications from anywhere with an Internet connection with your own computer, or through shared access devices such as an office or library.

Pay for what you use cloud services are free (paid for by advertising) or provided on a pay as you use the type of model. It's great because you easily increase or decrease depending on your needs. You have to implement a new initiative? Great - fast with another person on the platform ramp. Do you want to close a range or change? Not very big, but at least you do not have the sunk cost of custom hardware / software platforms for concern.

Various innovative developer / shared software support are urged to continuously improve their products. This can be used simultaneously by multiple users on improvements in the product because they are part of a common platform. Because applications are live, if there are any improvements or corrections to be applied, then you can take it as soon as they have been enabled to access.

How can I prepare for cloud computing?

Because their data and software that is hosted somewhere else, your Internet connection is more important. You do not want to deal with pushing their applications into the cloud brakes only slow internet!

In addition, you want to have the security to ensure that your data is safely achieved in the cloud. Basic Firewall can be sufficient if the data is sensitive, but can be done even more if the data must be protected. There is a new generation of devices, the application security solutions are available, such as ADTRAN product suite of unified threat management. (Www.adtran.com). This type of product is the application you are working with, and are capable of both secure transactions and traffic for your critical applications have priority over prioritize Facebook or YouTube!

Get on board!

Let us not leave the train of cloud computing without the station. There is no doubt that this is the wave of the future. All aboard. Familiarize yourself. As one of the company, so perfectly on technology, while always an advantage, not only the status quo.

Bob is a life Langys nerd with a passion for problem solving. His passion for problem solving and working with technology has led to a career in networking and IP telephony, and given the opportunity to work with a variety of companies and solutions. Recently he has specialized in the use of Cisco devices in Asterisk PBX systems. For more information, please visit his website:



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Hi, I’m Yani and my Syszoom blog is to share everything about the latest information around the technology field. I started Syszoom blog in 2011 to help other people solve their problem about computer, software, etc. I spent over five years as a teacher, and Syszoom blog is implementation of my knowledge in information technology field. To contact me, please email me at ditsucces@gmail.com.
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