Basic Computer Network

The invention of the computer, without doubt, has revolutionized the world. Has developed as quickly, new features have been added for ease of use and useful. The people have accepted it in their homes, and businesses have begun to store data and processes with them, too. Soon there was the need to share information between computers in an efficient way to carry information in the files, but to communicate the need for two computers directly is still very high. Thus was born the demand for network.

Today, take advantage of computer Internet connectivity worldwide, but the Internet has made the idea of ​​multiple computers connected together at the same time, the ability to share data freely born. This idea is still very much alive and present today, and it has become easier than ever to configure and use a network to share information quickly and easily.

The basic form of a network is, and what is called "ad hoc", which essentially only two computers connected together to exchange information. This can be done with a wired connection to the stability and speed, or wireless connection, since most computers today are equipped with wireless network capabilities. Ad hoc networks are typically used to share information quickly, and usually not for a long time not used because it does not support all the functions that a traditional router-based network does.

Network seen in more common situations is that through a "hub" or "Access Point". These devices act as a liaison between multiple computers, to account for the equipment to take apart. Computers can exchange data between them, as ad-hoc network, but many teams can be connected together in this way to form a larger network.

The most complex networks based on "server" to the data that are based on management between computers, and as a central point that all the computers to access the trade data. Such networks are typically large organizations, because employees need to store and retrieve data at all hours of the day, and require a durable and reliable access to this information. Servers store the power of the Internet that most people are familiar with all the information that people need if they want access to websites and services.

Setting up a computer network is simplified in recent years. Which require specialized knowledge and sometimes years of training set can be automated with the use of intelligent software and hardware that adheres to established standards.

On a home network, the computer can configure access to the Internet, is all most people need a router and a modem gender (according to the company that provides your Internet connection, typically via cable or DSL, though wireless broadband is becoming more common). Many ISPs actually offer to rent or to buy this equipment to ensure that your customers use hardware that is compatible and interoperable.

In most cases, the average consumer is no longer beyond the local electronics store local retailers look to find what you need to set up a home network or small office.


Computer Repair : Is Now a Household Word

If you have a computer, equipment, and repair of the words are more often at home than he would probably admit, and will unfortunately also be used together talking. But as we all know, is an essential part of computer ownership.

There are several ways to fix a computer, depending on the subject and the world has not the talent for it. If the Task Force issues, it is difficult to determine what the problem is, unless of course you are a geek. There are many programs on the market designed to treat many problems that slow down a computer or to block, too, but if the team is useless, you can not really be a website, go to a program has to be corrected the problem . solve

The best way that your computer at optimum performance is to buy an internet security software to protect your computer by viruses or other unforeseen safety issues, all of which is infected via the Internet. Another way is to find and install software designed to infect your computer of these parasites, as soon as the system so it will have no problem if you are not free to access the Internet.

When the system crashes and you're not ready, are the other options to use another computer to find solutions to the problems of saving his crew shot, and see if there is any information that might be useful and get your computer to work again. Other than that, there are many computer repair shops in every community who specialize in fixing computers. Some of the best and least expensive repairs are independent specialists who work from home. But unfortunately, unless you have first-hand about the reputation of the person who really believing in the hope that someone who is honest and does a good job and gives a written guarantee to find.

Calm for all, offer the most computer stores other computer repair services where you can pay a chance or what you need, or you may have insurance that covers buy the computer if the worst happens, and beyond the computer crashes, set their own abilities. Shop around to find the best deals and the person or company that would try to better solutions, computer repair, learn a little about yourself and save a lot of problems in the future.


7 tips for your devices to keep in top condition

At the present time, we keep in touch with their families, either through chat or e-mail, you will find information about everything under the earth, and sometimes the earth as well. We also do business proposals and communications with partners and aims to make purchases and pay utility bills conveniently at home. This is possible with the help of our computer and an Internet connection. It is therefore important that we take care of our team to function efficiently and smoothly. Here are 7 tips to keep your computer running in top form.

1 Value of Brands: When you leave the computer to do much of their personal and business communication is important that you invest in a good computer to do it. Unmounted games available at lower prices than branded computers and quality. But in the long run you will spend more money on maintenance and repairs due to poor quality parts used in them arise. Invest in a good reliability record, and even if something goes wrong, protect the safety of the additional costs.

2 Software: There is a tendency to build operating systems in order to save money, you leave. It is a bad decision to be in the long run. Information technology is a fast, new versions and updates of existing versions published at regular intervals. Only the original software is able to update online. In addition, there is no guarantee that counterfeit everything runs smoothly. Imagine a situation where you must come to an important customer to close a deal, but the computer crashes. Insist that the OEM software.

Antivirus 3: Computers and the Internet is often targeted by hackers to steal data and important details such as user name and password for use in anti-social activities. You can lose your money and credibility on this computer, if your online bank account is compromised. Install the latest version of the antivirus program on your computer from hackers and update regularly to stay and peace of mind.

4 Power: Since this is food for humans, but work a computer to operate correctly, they need a continuous supply and stable energy supply. If the area is susceptible to interference or outages may lose valuable data when power is suddenly lost while working on an important work. It is therefore advisable to ensure a stable energy supply through a UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

5 Qualified staff: The team that is a sensitive device, the same operations must be performed by qualified personnel. The device should only by those who are the basic operation of the machine are used. Moreover, in case of malfunction Instead of playing with the machine, covered a personnel services.

6 of the regular service: It is recommended that an AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) with the equipment given in order to ensure prompt service and avoid additional costs by way of repair costs. Regular maintenance to keep your equipment in excellent condition.

Beware of spam 7: Be careful not to open, can-spam viruses to infect your computer contains. With hackers becoming smarter every day also, the type of e-mail with "smart virus" to overcome the anti-virus software is installed. They infect the system and important data is lost.

Really worth taking care of your computer for a day without labor problem.


How To Defrag Your Computer Simply

Defragmentation is the process that allows it to reduce the user, the disintegration of the files on the hard disk of the user, a computer's performance can be affected if the drive is connected to the computer down. The user defragment your computer, your files into the sequences so that the system will run faster computer to reorganize. Since all files are organized and put in order, and even files that acquires small towns are in a position that the user can use more space will be saved.

If the files are stored on your computer unevenly distributed on the hard disk can cause the computer to find a longer period of time or retrieve these files, as opposed to searching for files that are stored in a sequence and to take properly disposed of. This method allows the user to locate a file method instantly.This coverage, certainly improves the performance of your computer.

Defragmenting your computer is a simple procedure that can be performed by users at home and not much technical knowledge. During the process of defragmenting your computer files automatically sorted by frequency of use and saves these files so that rest and walk not only helps the computer run faster, but also opens up more space on the computer hard disks.

You can follow this simple procedure to defragment your computer with a Windows operating system:

Uninstall programs or remove junk files that are unwanted and space to complete. This will create space for data that is necessary and relevant to save to your computer. This step helps organize the files into the correct order.

Make sure that all programs are closed that are not needed. This will ensure that your computer is not busy or not a program running in the background, slowing down the speed of the defragmentation.

Make sure that all the programs that automatically adjust to operate at a given time must be stopped. Always run a program at a time, for the best effect.

Make sure that temporary files are deleted to free more memory. To run the files from the hard disk on which the program to clean Windows cleanmgr.

Once you have completed these steps, it is now time to defragment your computer. To defragment your computer, click the Startup tab, select a program called dfrg.msc. Click on the program and then select the drive you want to defragment, ie the C: drive is the default drive and click Defragment button.This begins the process of defragmenting your computer and organize all your files in a correctly.

After you defragment the hard drive of your computer, you would see in a position to direct results in terms of speed improvement. If less time for you to access your files and restores them to be. It is recommended that you defragment your computer and run cleanmgr to ensure that your hard disk is not fragmented and slow down your computer.


Speed of Computer Communications

Files and greater over time. Most computers and peripherals online video streaming support now and other large file transfers. A house can have multiple computers to access the internet and transfer large files at once. Many online computer repair tools announced the acceleration of the speed of communication devices. So what makes for fast data transfer? This article describes the communication speed can be increased on your computer.

The transmission speed is a function of the speed of transmission bits per second, the quantity of data in each fragment (frame) of the transmitted data and the error rate (eg, one (1) error bit in the transmitted bits 10,000 or less ). Ads from this makes it a communication channel, the channel fast and efficient data transfer.

In the early '80s communication between computers used analog phone line to dial channels. Mid 1980, the first Small Office Home Office (SOHO) local networks (LAN) have been sold. These allow all computers on a home or office in order to share data between them. Over time, the communication speeds have increased dramatically. That made a difference in performance, since communication is the most important factor for the efficiency of communication is the transmission speed in bits per second.

The rate of transmission over an analog telephone line channel has started at 300 bits per second (bps) or 30 characters per second in 1980. Soon rose to 1,200 basis points, then, 9600 bps, and more than 56,000 bits per second (kbps). Could support speeds of 56 Kbps is faster than an analog telephone channel. Internet connections are broadband connections, which began with a speed of 768 Kbps - 1.5 Mbps Internet and the Internet. The coaxial cable and fiber optic cable systems offer a variety of speeds from 5 Mbps to 35 Mbps / 150 Mbps downstream up/15. Comcast and Verizon say it often hits first because it is the largest and most impressive. The speeds are not identical, since less data on the Internet that is downloaded from the Internet, will be sent.

LAN speeds in the mid-80s, started at 10 million bits per second (Mbps), then increased to 100 Mbps, and today we have a Giga or billion bits per second (Gbps).

The hard drive interface first data units in parallel at a rate of 33 mega or million bytes per second (Mbps) transfer. Corresponds to about 330 bits per second Mbps speeds increase the speed of 66.7 Mbps, 100 Mbps over. At that time, the new series of AT Attachment (SATA) was introduced, the transmission rate jumped from 1.5 gigabits per second (Gbps), immediately after, 3 and 6 Gbps today. These communication speeds were and are necessary to keep transmitted with the volume of data between computers in a computer.

If the data transmission devices such as Web pages, video files and other large files, the file is divided into pieces and send some, both the receiving computer. Sometimes, depending on the communication channel, a wired LAN (LAN) channel or a channel for the local network, there are transmitted data blocks incorrect. In this case, the erroneous bits retransmitted. So there is a relationship between fragment size and the error rate in each channel.

The wisdom of the configuration is that if the error rate is the fragment size must be at the top of small pieces and have fewer errors requiring retransmission. The opposite think if we take the large fragment size and to ensure that if a large part of the data sent over a communication channel that fails are then transmitted, - just another error. This data fragment hits always transmitted when the error is high.

In the terminology of my pieces of communication data packets or frames are often called. The original Ethernet LAN packets were 1514 characters in size. This corresponds approximately to a page of printed text. For 1200 bps, it would take about 11 seconds to one page of text to be transmitted. Once I sent 100 pages of notes from seminars to MCI Mail to 1200 bps. Due to the high error rate, which took several hours to transfer all the notes. The file was so large that crashed MCI Mail Oops!

If the communication speeds and high error rates are very low as they are today, especially, large blocks of data over a communication channel for data transfer speed to be sent. It's like stuffing boxes on an assembly line. The worker quickly fills the field, but the extra time required to cover the cardboard and glue. The extension is of the transmission congestion. When the boxes were twice as much maintenance is required for the transmission cut in half and speed up data transfer.

Most of all software products are designed to communicate via low-speed, error-rate channels. Channels of high-speed communications are now extremely low error rate. Sometimes you can configure the software and communications equipment to better improve the level of speed and error of a communication channel and the performance. Sometimes adjustments can be locked by the software. Often you can not say whether the performance has improved or not. Normally, when you improve increase the packet (fragment) size performance when hardware and software products to work with the approval of these changes. On Windows, the setting of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) will adjust the size of the portions of the network. There are non-Microsoft programs, can help to make changes or be set manually. The problem is that the error rate may vary depending on the site you visit.

For example, when would the first pictures from Mars rover from JPL published several mirror sites have been included. These sites have tried a large number of people using computers to upload images down. There were huge traffic jams on these pages. He wanted the bad pictures, but wanted not to fight the crowds, then I look at the available mirror and saw a United Nations Uruguay. At that moment, I imagined how many people had computers in Uruguay and free high speed internet access. Therefore, it seemed that it jams on this page and I can download pictures from Mars with ease. I was right, but the download speed was not fast. Probably took twice as long for the pictures of Mars. This is because the speed of communication servers in Uruguay was slower than the rate in the U.S. and probably the error rate was also higher.

At this point we should remember that "default work better." If you doubt the default settings are used. Try not to think of Windows.

Since the transmission speed and error rates, whether you visit us at Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, or somewhere in Uruguay depend on unknown, it is best to have a good all round piece (package) s size and select 'here to stay. If you change the size, it is good to have regular comparisons to see if the performance is much better.

There are at least one simple thing you can do to improve performance when copying files from your computer hard drive to the computer inside the computer. Three-star backups that use the Windows Explorer and have the first copy of Windows Explorer to run task of copying a third file, the second copy of the second period and the third copy of the remaining files. Thus, the three backup jobs are run simultaneously Windows Explorer and expand the use of the communication channel in order to reduce the total communication. If you make payments through the channel network, you can see the increase in network usage in Task Manager, a number of tasks in Windows Explorer to copy.

There is a shopping center (not free) program called Total Commander which is similar to Windows Explorer. In addition to Total Commander has set itself the fragment size of the transfer. This option is hidden in menus. As an experiment to test to see whether there is an effect on performance, if the fragment size increases. Normally, the default size of 32 Kb per piece, but I found that increasing the size of 8192 MB per serving provides better overall performance of data transmission. It was a blessing, because generally the transfer of 100 gigabytes of data between devices. However, the tasks of multiple copies in Windows Explorer are also improves performance.

So the conclusion is that if the transmission speed and error rates fall, the transmission of large data blocks (if you can), increase in order to improve communication. If high error rate in a communication channel, Windows responds dead in its tracks and waits for the channel response. We believe that Windows is dead. In this case, to eat, for lunch and again before turning off the computer.

Please remember to "work better default values" in order not to be creative.


Love Wallpapers For Your Computer

One of the easiest ways to reduce stress and breathing is easy to surround yourself with love. Love wallpaper for your computer can be downloaded for free so that you get a perfect background for your computer, without paying a dime. Each time you minimize your computer or the windows, you get a great feeling, warm around you.

May include funds of love in many different styles. Find works of art full of floating hearts, something that happens in nature to form a heart, or perhaps a photo of a little more than symbolic it is that people in the hand or lean into a kiss. Images of love can make a big difference in your mood as you remember that love is possible.

With love, anything is really possible. Even if you have a loved one in your life right now, it is important to remember that. Images of love for your screen is one of the easiest ways to embrace this wonderful feeling. There are hundreds of models, so you need something that is representative of his personality to Choose.

Love has no means to be downloaded right around Valentine's Day, although it is ideal to help you remember the holiday, there are also. You can pretend that it's Valentine's Day every day, without conversation hearts. Ask someone at your side and feel the emotion of love is always possible if you have images of love that surrounds you on your computer.

Wellbeing at work can feel in a hostile work environment. It can be stressful, and you may even cry. If you can do with your computer enough might to take a deep breath and relax. Love can help him to escape from work wallpaper for a while to forget that there is something beyond the four walls of Destiny.

Everyone needs to be loved. Whether a parent, relative or pet, this is what distinguishes us from animals. Our ability to be loved is what makes us special and why the images of love are everywhere. Go to an art shop and you will love. Go to a business card, and you will love it. It's everywhere you look, if you just open your eyes.

Choice of love wallpaper, it's easier to surround yourself with love at home or at work. All you have to do is select an image that extends across the width of the love, how you feel and you get the warm feeling. It can be downloaded to your computer in seconds. Then you receive with love at every turn on the computer.

You can found a beautiful wallpaper from google search


What a Computer Service Can Do for You

Rapidly changing technology means that computers are obsolete within a year after purchase. The necessity of the changing times and growing demand often forces companies to follow to buy new computers. Then he stopped struggling with the question of what to do with older systems. Shoot them in the discharge is prohibited in certain areas, and this is a bad idea, even in areas where they are allowed to throw. Fortunately, computer disposal services available to help problem.Hazardous with this material in the growth and the Law

Computers are known to lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, also included. These minerals can be dangerous and heavy metals can be found in the water when they just throw in a landfill. The conservation and recovery was updated to guidelines, such as computer monitors may belong, are eliminated. Hire a team of debt collection service ensures that your company comply with the statutory provisions. Avoid EPA fines and stay out of legal hot water with local communities, the choice of an intelligent solution to the problem.

Consistency across state borders,

The companies in different countries have their hands full with different rules and regulations. While at the computer can operate legally in one state, others are imposed heavy fines. Choose a pick up of equipment to work to eliminate these headaches. If the load is delivered to the organization in good standing, you will take care to not worry about fines or problems with any of its subsidiaries.

Proprietary Information

Each team has a wealth of information. Contact coveted trade secrets and personal information about customers, from any computer in your company could be a serious handicap in the wrong hands become. Is to wipe the computer memory does not always remove contains important information. For computer freaks of talent could extract information that should have been eliminated. Protect your reputation and ensure that information remains safe to format the hard drive and then the system sends to a computer pick-up service. Choose will last you a company that measures to ensure that information remains in the system remains secure by chance and not be sold, traded or given away.


The conclusion that the removal of old computers can do is end up costing some money. To protect their profit margins and ensure that it does not become a financial burden, shop around for good service. Some charge a hefty fee for recording the computer. Others, determined to dismantle the system and the dismantling of components, it can actually pay a small fee for the team. Check out the various options in your area and choose the cheapest option.

Easy to dispose of old computer systems that simply adding the garbage heap. The information needs to be protected as undisclosed information. Local, state and federal governments must be respected. This is a real minefield of problems. Fortunately, you can easily around the problem by hiring a reputable service, reliability of equipment.


Troubleshooting for Broken Computer

If teams are not powerless. Sometimes the problem is caused by a virus. It may however be other equipment malfunctions the problem. With the new equipment a few simple pieces of hardware are the teams that placed in the crisis. These are simple replacement that can do virtually anyone with a screwdriver and patience. Very often, the faulty component to replace the power supply, hard disk or a CD or DVD. This article will help if it is a simple problem, determine the cause of the failure of the computer, you can Repair your computer. On the other hand, you know, when professional help repair your computer after the problem identified.Let from scratch. Here our computer malfunction disabled. The first step is to turn it on and watch. When the button is pressed, the lights are on the computer? The tower and the equipment for laptops are not the lights that turn on the lights. A good idea is to take a picture from your computer when it works properly, so they remind you how it looks, what lights are on, and what are the colors of the lights helps. Good PC performance is often indicated by a green or blue light. Yellow lights to malfunction every now and show that the computer has power over all.

In the absence of light, power is likely to be the source of failure. Portable external transformers can be tested and replaced. They run under $ 100. There are spare parts. The next test for a laptop and a desktop computer failed with a new portable external transformer or a new power supply as a test of power.

Power supplies for desktop computers are available online and in local stores. They also cost about $ 100. A diet should not be on a new computer, to test food to be installed. Just take the computer on its side with the open frame, place the new power supply remove the tip of the old power supply, remove the old power supply with a plug at a time, and plug the cord from the computing power equivalent to a point. Once the new power supply is connected, try to turn it on. This demonstrates the power.

A new power supply with more watts, is in order. This means a 300 W power can be replaced by a power of 500 W, this is not the best way to reduce the power (instead of a power of 500 W output power with an output of 300 W), but a good size . Electrical connections to drives are easy to cut the power source when the plug is not inserted just right. If the computer does not start, and pull the cable from the floppy drive and try to turn off the player. Finally, all electrical connections are grooved and has a clip connection. When connecting power connectors, make sure that the connector clip is properly aligned.

If the new processors will not solve power to the laptop, then you can return the laptop to the manufacturer for repair or buy us a new laptop. If you buy a new laptop, the data from the hard disk unit removed old laptop hard drive and in the unity of the new portable hard drive. With a desktop PC and not just unscrew the old power supply and the screw. Replacing the power of a computer is cleaner and easier than replacing the spark plugs in a car.

Now back to solve our problem. The following notice of the possible error is that the computer will not boot and no display. The monitors have a light in the lower right corner. When this indicator is green, the computer sends a signal to the video screen. When the light is large, then the computer is not sending a signal to the video monitor.

In the absence of the video signal on the screen indicating that the problem of the hardware. This suggests that we look inside the computer itself and see the main board (MLB), capacitors (which are the round tower and components that exceed the MLB). Logical mothers did not five years since the capacitors in the MLB. Capacitors burst and cause a total loss of the MLB. If this happens, the solution to buy a new computer.

When a computer is turned on, the information shows generally the BIOS setup before you try to start Windows. This information should flash briefly on the screen as the computer is started. If this happens, it shows that your own computer and display are working properly. After this screen, you can not boot to Windows with a black or blue screen. It is sometimes called the "Blue Screen of Death". In any case, no Windows startup. This error is a hard disk that has failed. This usually means that your computer works well, but the reader has failed to provide information to a computer to start Windows. Because you can not start Windows, there is no way to test the drive. In this case, the reader should be removed from the computer and connect to a Windows computer, the other for testing. The test command is the Windows hard disk CHKDSK / R. If this command is executed under Windows, check the hard disk to correct any damage to data on the hard disk, and determines whether there are physical errors on the disk.

Training documentation errors are larger by a number as zero in the test results show bad sectors appear. If physical errors or bad sectors are reported, which means that the reader has cancer. While the device is not dead, it must be replaced immediately, and copy data from it to the new drive. The continued use of a hard disk with bad sectors, you may lose all data on the hard disk. The hardest part of replacing a hard drive, all data from the old hard drive onto the new drive. There are programs that the mapping of the entire hard drive, then enable a new hard drive. If an image has been created successfully, then copy them onto a new hard drive that Windows machines often return to normal operation as if nothing had happened.

In some cases, when Windows data is placed in a new hard drive, Windows has not started. In this case, you install the Windows installation to Windows XP to Windows or a new copy of Windows to Windows 7 usually solves the problem. To install a new copy of Windows in two cases (Windows XP or Windows 7), while maintaining the data drive just delete the Windows folder on the hard drive where the new copy of Windows is installed. There is also a good idea to rename you will keep the Documents and Settings folder or folders for user data contained in them.

This is the process of troubleshooting basic PC hardware. Have when a computer boots into Windows and still have problems, it's probably a software problem. Software problems are usually solved by a reinstallation of Windows or deleting certain computer viruses and computer use. A complete procedure to remove viruses and spyware is, beyond what is presented in this article. Removal of viruses and spyware procedure is in my "Pete Nerds Virus Removal Do It Yourself" book described in detail. The aim of this paper is to first fix on your PC and give you an idea of ​​what the next steps to effectively continue, so that you can return your computer to normal operation.

Thank you for your time.

Pete the Nerd

"My friend challenged technically in a © planet"

P © D Moulton

Pete is the original Dial-A-Nerd ( Was in the U.S. Today Show 1990 Dial-A-Nerd concept was created in 1980 to the end of the phone support team. Become Dial-A-Nerd is the Radio Dial-A-Nerd on WJFK radio and television, ABC WMAR Channel 2 technically correct in Baltimore.

Pete has worked in the computer until the early days of personal computers. In his early years in data communications, that he personally met some of the pioneers of the Internet, but he has never met Al Gore.

Pete has written several books for Prentice Hall Publishing, among them "A + Certification and PC Repair Guide", "The Survival Guide for Telecommunications" and "Red SOHO".

PC support Pete and the experience of problem solving comes from construction and support for the PC, and that to get non-technical users and to troubleshoot PC in the last 30 years. His work continues today and has written and published "Pete the Nerd Removal Do It Yourself" at


The house HTPC (Home Theatre PC) - it's not as confusing as you think

Before we begin, I want to let all the negativity based HTPC ago, people thought that the HTPC is to confuse an animal, so I is not be.What a HTPC? The media are everywhere, pictures on your laptop, the music on your MP3 player / CD's, movies on your desktop? Well, you can get all that content in one place with a HTPC and have everything to share on your PC for the whole family, controlled by a wireless keyboard or even a TV remote control infrared.

My definition of a HTPC is a media center + other media available to everyone who sat on the couch.

Information on Construction a HTPC should not be difficult or expensive if you're a little nerdy like me you probably have spare parts around the house are to be seen to get "love" the woman taken in use, or maybe your computer is not in the daily routine and needs renovation, but it would be perfect for sitting under the TV? Many people use the old parts of the building, then realize the power of the HTPC and decided to build / buy a dedicated machine. Of course, if you are not comfortable building a computer, you can almost any computer that you purchase fits in (or near) the TV to do the job. These machines have powerful can a video on the standard that you need to be playing the odds HD.

General Software HTPC software comes of all different races, but if you are new to the game or you do nothing else but the front windows then I recommend you try to keep it, but if you're a fan of Linux or Mac, you can pay for a Windows license, and focus on what I know best.

Most versions of Windows include (from other than, perhaps, and editions are incorporated), the so-called Windows Media Center, Windows Media Center is fast becoming your new best friend.

There are some significant differences in the front of the PC hardware standard HTPC:

Business: Now that your toys in the clear to everyone in the TV program you want to make it look very nice. In fact, several large boxes available HTPC that can accommodate up to a total size ATX motherboard, or if you do things for cheap the highest number, then certainly do TV next to the old will. Once you realize the extent of the HTPC is that you go to buy a bargain anyway.

Control: Who wants a leader with a long keyboard and mouse on the couch? The controls are usually just a wireless keyboard or a mouse whole. If you really want a woman looking at a very light machine, infrared remote control to match the box with the sattellite.

Audio Outputs: Obviously they have a nice surround sound system, is not it? While you must check the box to connect to an optical configuration of the speakers or audio through HDMI checked to see if your computer supports, consider this when looking at graphics cards.

Power: not to be very powerful, in fact, some people do very well with an old dual-core processor or a draw and no HD content Pentium D! The only requirement is actually picked up at least 2 GB of RAM and a graphics card with high definition, which can be set up very cheap nowadays. However, remember that you want it to be quiet, nothing worse than a loud hum when you try to see a movie (Trust Me).

Storage: It depends on your configuration, if you distribute your content over a network, then you probably need only a small hard disk, run the operating system only. However, if everything in the Magic Box will be saved even then you have many space.II mention a word more, but ...... Backups.

Software As I mentioned before, I suggest sticking to the system that you know best what Windows for most of us. After you have installed Windows, you have to do is install Windows Media Center to start the computer and messing around, it's really all there is to it. It is obvious that there is no play here, because it could not last forever, because everyone is different.


Organizing Your Computer Files

The following two simple steps, but reflects the files on your computer is always at hand.

As in our files to find, we retrieve and store electronic documents quickly and easily. Although most computers have a very efficient search functions, is still not as effective as knowing where your files.

Your digital archiving system must reflect the bin. Conceptually, the things, whether in the physical world of paper or in the virtual world of computers. It is logical to use the same category names and file structures he created for his role in the computing world. The more you use the same folder structures and styles that are easier to find and the things in both places.

Ideally, you should use the name of the same class in the computer, as it plays its role. First, create a file structure - categories, folders, subfolders - Board of Directors, based on your filing system on paper. Then open a new window on your computer and drag files and folders in the new structure that you just created.

Select your files methodically. Application in paper form is not exactly the same as the computer, but because their roles are not all the individual names need - but the files on your computer. Therefore it is very important for effective strategies to get your documents have names. You want to make sure you mention your documents, so that when opening a file full of records, and try not to be regarded with determining what the actual document search, you.

Most computers can now things with a very long string name. So many things with the file name and a description of what the file is finished, the version number, the date on which it was created, who created it - all things in general, they are submitted in the name of the file to itself. When things are in the file name that you can quickly open a folder full of files, and very simple and easy-to-the one you want without having to open and close each file found. This can be a big time saver. If you already have a folder full of documents are open, and had to open and close each individual, the document you need, you know, what a waste of time to it.

Create a naming convention documents that you can follow in the future. With the establishment of the files that you create, so that all new documents in a way that makes it much easier to find, and then later actually makes organized. If you have time, their old files back and change the name and in your new file system.

Joshua Zerkel, CPO ® is one of the founders of the life of the Custom Solutions, an organization in San Francisco-based productivity and business consulting company specializing in helping to save busy people time, space and money at home and at work. For more ideas, visit the organization for free or call or call 415-830-6345.


Maximizing the Potential of Your Computer

After so many studies on the potential, I discovered that not more than 20% of people in today's world appropriately to maximize their own God-given potential. This is an important concerns in today's world. Everyone has a potential that could find a way of talents and abilities, why people live far below the level of realization of their dreams if they have everything you need to do inside them? There are several reasons why these people do not appreciate your talents or gifts way.Many. Some do not even know they have talent or other gift, the most of your success in life can make. Others are of the environments in which they grew up in the belief that such skills do not work here and can not work elsewhere have been deceived. In all cases, the potential, real and very important for the success of all to life. Therefore it is necessary that your team's potential for in this world of fast computer with lots of things depend on computers to do to maximize succeed. Now the question is how to optimize and achieve more efficient use of their potential for success in life? Which brings me to the story of JJ Musong Numan in Adamawa State of Nigeria. This story will help you to see how their potential can be transformed into an almost instant success.

Some Danish missionaries arrived in Nigeria on a mission trip and landed in Numan. When she visited the church in the morning, this young talented singer and dancer with his dance group run a presentation that was so wonderfully unique and attractive. These missionaries, who had never seen the style so passionately unique traditional and contemporary dance were mixed pleased by the excellent performance. Musong was decided to invite the judge and his team went to Denmark and Denmark, he concluded his mission work. This was the beginning of the Open International for this young man and his team. Possessions and returned with enough money, sponsored his first album. My pastor often invited to our church, the service every time we have operating our thanksgiving, or a major event that occurs in government.

This is the same as their own talents and God-given potential and gifts can do for you. It will take you to all the opportunities around you and far beyond their neighborhood and thus expose the need to maximize their inherent potential of all. For this purpose it is necessary to understand and use the following principles:

A: Find out who you are. Know Thyself Self-discovery is the first answer to the question of how to maximize their potential. If you know what you can do and start doing it like JJ Musong discovered dance and began to do so, you are assured of the greatness of life. His greatness in life and how effectively you can maximize their potential to develop related. You should know whether your computer is really your area of ​​interest or you're wasting your time.

Two: Develop your own. If you find that you develop from, who you are. One of my biggest beliefs is that everyone can always improve, if they want. The improvement is the largest room in the world of development. Just know that you are using a computer does not make you an expert. You need to exercise, the better to develop as you take on a higher level of computer literacy. Personal development requires more information about your area of ​​interest or appeal, ask questions and visit places of interest in increasing their knowledge.

Three: to work hard. Many people do not understand the true meaning of hard work. Hard work is no physical exertion of the power of hard work. Hard work includes planning and goal setting concrete. By setting goals and strive to realize that if you want, you are truly a hard worker. Careful planning and goal setting to achieve excellent results and great success not only in the computer world, but to achieve in life in general.

Finally: Use the power of synergy. Two heads are better than good, goes the saying. In the multitude of counselors the Bible says that there is safety. Do not expect yourself to do everything. You do not have the strength to achieve in an hour, which together reach ten people can, and that is exactly what you each time you decide to lose, do things individually. Use the help of other ideas, and as equally contributory. Let other people in the room, its own principles, as set goals and reach, to teach them.

You will not fail in life you choose to maximize their potential today.

Michael S. Justice is a young entrepreneur online and offline with the skills and knowledge of how a great success in this world of high computer and IT-related business decisions to maximize profitability.

He is the Manager of Sunshine Intercontinental Ventures Ltd, a leading company in the provision of general Car and Tyre security via Car Tracking and Tyre Sealant, a sure protection from all kinds of Car snatching and theft, punctures, gunshots, bullets, nails and more.
He is currently the Director of Computer Trainings with Sunshine Intercontinental Computer Academy (SiCA), a leading Computer Training Institute in Our region, in Nigeria.
He is a public speaker, a writer and a musician.
He is the authour of master your computer within seconds.
Speak with Justice on 08084408655, 07034194333
Visit and learn how to master your computer within seconds!


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Hi, I’m Yani and my Syszoom blog is to share everything about the latest information around the technology field. I started Syszoom blog in 2011 to help other people solve their problem about computer, software, etc. I spent over five years as a teacher, and Syszoom blog is implementation of my knowledge in information technology field. To contact me, please email me at
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