rj45 Configuration : Connector of RJ45 |
RJ-45 Ethernet cable is commonly used in LAN computer networking topology or other types of computer networks. RJ-45 has a three kinds of configuration, according to the devices that want to relate.
1. Straight Through Configuration
This cable type used to connect network devices with different levels of hierarchy. An example is when we connected the PC to our computers in the office network through a switch. This cable type is more commonly used and relatively easy in the arranging of the cable when installing the RJ-45 connectors. The following color scheme for the type of cable RJ-45 Straight Through:
rj45 Configuration : 10 base T Standard Patch Cable |
2. Cross Over Configuration
This type of cable used to connect two network devices with a hierarchy level. As an example, connection between PC to PC, or PC to the AP Radio, router to router. This is the following configuration:
rj45 Configuration : 10 Base T Cross Over Cable |
- Peel both ends of the outer skin using utp cable crimping blade or scissors, with a length approximately 1.5cm, like this:
rj45 Configuration : After UTP Cable Outer Skin Peeled |
- Sort the colors by the rules if one end of the cable using the T568A configuration, then the other end of cable use the T568B. (The configuration can be seen in the figure below)
rj45 Configuration : Configuration Cable T568A and T568B |
- After both ends of the sorted color according to the above configuration, align the ends of the cable utp with cut a little part of the cable (do not have the peel cord), the result will look like this:
rj45 Configuration : UTP Cable That Has Been Flattened Ends |
- Insert the cable into the RJ -45 carefully, should not be confused order, then the result will be like this:
rj45 Configuration : UTP Cable is inserted to the RJ -45 |
- Then Crimping / clasp the cable using a crimping pliers until you hear a click. (Remember the crimping should not be too hard hit because it will cause a broken connector).
rj45 Configuration : Crimping UTP Cable |
3. Rollover Cover
Cables of this type typically used to access the router with a PC / laptop. This type of cable configuration is quite simple because we just reverse the order of cables that we put on one side. Suppose we use a standard 568B (standard for wired straight through), then we just reverse the order to brown for the first sequence at the other end of the cable. The following descriptions to help us make a rollover cable.
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